The first update of the new year, 2020 has been added to the Battlefield 1942 downloads section, where you can find the full game free to download along with the expansion packs The Road to Rome and Secret Weapons of WWII. Do not forget about all of the classic mods, which currently we have listed a handful including the mod that jump started the modern FPS gaming industry, Desert Combat and the realism WWII mod Forgotten Hope.

Today we have added a .exe file you can install, and it will throw a copy of BF1942 onto your desktop where you can simply double click and it will launch you into the Simple Battlefield 1942 server. If you want to play the expansion packs online, you will want to right click on the newly installed shortcut and click on properties. On the target path edit this line "" to "".
This method can also be used to join different servers, finding the IP address here: or